
fun Base64.decode(source: ByteString, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = source.size): ByteArray(source)

Decodes symbols from the specified source byte string or its subrange. Returns a ByteArray containing the resulting bytes.

The symbols for decoding are not required to be padded. However, if there is a padding character present, the correct amount of padding character(s) must be present. The padding character '=' is interpreted as the end of the encoded byte data. Subsequent symbols are prohibited.


a ByteArray with the resulting bytes.



the byte string to decode symbols from.


the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to decode, 0 by default.


the end (exclusive) of the subrange to decode, size of the source byte string by default.


when startIndex or endIndex is out of range of source byte string indices.

when the symbols for decoding are padded incorrectly or there are extra symbols after the padding.